Our very own Brian “Strings” Schoenrock went up for a HUGE grab in the semi-final game against Slow White, pulls the disc down for a score, a broken arm and a spot on ESPN’s Top 10. Congratulations, Strings!
Our very own Brian “Strings” Schoenrock went up for a HUGE grab in the semi-final game against Slow White, pulls the disc down for a score, a broken arm and a spot on ESPN’s Top 10. Congratulations, Strings!
Drag’n Thrust has been working hard since the tournament in Minneapolis ended to prepare for our Regional tournament coming up this weekend. Luckily, we had a short break in preparation with Labor Day weekend and were able to finally put together a recap of the Pro Flight Finale! It was WINDY. Thanks for reading, and […]
By Mike Petersen Disclaimer: The views expressed here are those of Mike Petersen in his capacity as Mike Petersen. He’s not intending to represent the views of Drag’n Thrust or any other person or entity. I have played ultimate for 14 years at just about every level and every style. I started, as most do, […]
By Claire Oakley This year marks the 3rd annual US Open Ultimate Championships, an international tournament hosted annually by USA Ultimate (USAU), the World Flying Disc Federation (WFDF), and a local ultimate organization. It is a premier tournament that kicks off the USAU Triple Crown Tour each year, showcasing top teams from around the world […]