As Drag’n prepares for the upcoming USA Ultimate Triple Crown Tour and a National Title defense, we are excited about the new additions to the squad. Welcome to Sarah, Mike, Emily, and Jacob! Below is a quick highlight of each, but check out more on our roster page! Sarah Anciaux: Sarah, never having heard of […]
Wear and Tear
By Jay Drescher It is no secret that ultimate is a physically demanding sport, but having played two straight seasons of AUDL and USA Ultimate Club, I can safely say it is a lot of stress on your body. Turf is a faster surface to play on, and as a result it puts more stress […]
The US Open Championships and Convention

By Claire Oakley This year marks the 3rd annual US Open Ultimate Championships, an international tournament hosted annually by USA Ultimate (USAU), the World Flying Disc Federation (WFDF), and a local ultimate organization. It is a premier tournament that kicks off the USAU Triple Crown Tour each year, showcasing top teams from around the world […]
Drag’n Thrust 2014

We’re excited to announce our roster for the 2014 USAU Club Series! Watch for the following players to make a big impact this year, and help us attempt to defend our 2013 title: SarahKate Anciaux Erica Baken Tallis Boyd Alicia Carr Pete Carr Mike Clark Andrea Crumrine Jay Drescher Jaime Glader Jess Haller Martha […]
Growing Youth Ultimate in Minnesota
By Dave KlinkLet’s talk about the state of youth ultimate in Minnesota. I’m approaching this from the perspective of a board member for Minnesota Youth Ultimate, an organization with the mission to provide high quality opportunities for Minnesota Youth to learn and to play the sport. We’ve got a board of nine dedicated members (including DNT’s […]