Surly Open 2012 Blue Ribbon Pines Disc Golf Course June 23rd After a successful Wisconsin Swiss the week prior, Drag’n Thrust descended into the peaceful fields and the quiet woods of the Surly Open with an appetite for destruction and a lust for hucks and havoc. Lured by the prize of immortality and, more […]
Swiss Champions!
Drag’n swooped in to Madison this past weekend to compete in the second annual Wisconsin Swiss tournament. Unafraid of the scorching heat, Drag’n burned through the competition, finishing with a perfect 8-0 record and capturing the Swiss trophy! Photo Credit: Lien Photos
2012 Roster Set
Drag’n is happy to announce it’s 2012 roster: Alex Delegard Alicia Carr Anna Hettler Austin Lien Christie Dosch Claire Oakley Dan Kaler David Klink Erica Baken Jaime Glader Jake Henderson Jake McKean James Hron Jay Drescher Jeff Trosvig Jess Haller Jordan Hupp Josh “Shwa” Hemmesch Martha Harris Pat Niles Patty King Pete Carr Ryan Pekarna […]
Mother’s Day Pickup & Picnic!
This Sunday 5/13, at 1:00pm, Drag’n is hosting a Mother’s Day Pickup & Picnic! Want something to do before or after brunch with your mom? Invite her to Bryn Mawr to watch (or join) you in some fun-filled Ultimate pickup! Your mom not in town this Mother’s Day? Come on over and borrow someone else’s […]
Pick Up and Tryouts!
Drag’n has added some pick up opportunities and an additional open tryout to it’s early season schedule: Open Pickup Dates (all at Bryn Mawr): Wed 5/2 at 6pm Sat 5/5 at 11am Sat 5/12 at 11am Sun 5/13 at 1pm Open pickup is intended as an opportunity for Ultimate players of any skill level to […]