Announcing Drag’n Thrust 2022!

We’re happy to announce Drag’n Thrust 2022!


Danielle Byers
Emma Gautier*
Emma Peaslee
Emma Piorier
Eugenia “Yoshi” Garza*
Gerene Taylor
Jaime Glader
Jane Koch
Jessica Hendrickson
Julia “Chucks” Hill
Louise Beck*
Maggie Peck
Mimi Kniser
Nariah-Belle Sims
Rachel “Raisin” Johnson
Sarah Mondschein
Sierra Barthen*


Bert Bertmeister
Brandon Matis
Brooks Hidaka*
Bryan “Bvon” Vohnoutka
Caleb Denecour
Charlie Schuweiler
Jacob Lien*
Jason Tschida
Jordan Taylor
Josh Klane
Marty Adams
Neal Hanke
Pat Niles*
Rocco Linehan
Sam Berglund
Tanner Barcus


Carlos Lopez
Josh “Shwa” Hemmesch

Bold denotes 2022 addition
Italics denote captain
* denotes Practice Player

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