Introducing our 2022 Captains!

Years Played: “13 or 14, whatever’s easier for you”
College Team: Concordia Colege
Morning Montage Song: If Only by Queen’s of the Stone Age
Dragon Sidekick: Hyorinmaru from Bleach
Mortal Enemy: Knee Caps

Years Played: “I’d prefer not to answer that”
College Team: The West Chester University
Morning Montage Song: “Hungry Like The Wolf” by Duran Duran
Dragon Sidekick: Lockheed
Mortal Enemy: the crippling fear of aging- also knee caps

Years Played: 11
College Team: University of Minnesota – Duluth
Morning Montage Song: “Don’t Stop Me Now” by Queen
Dragon Sidekick: Toothless
Mortal Enemy: UV rays

Years Played: 6 Years
College Team: UW Madison
Morning Montage Song: NPR Morning News Podcast- Up First
Dragon Sidekick: Mushu
Mortal Enemy: Bad Vibes
2022 Early Interest Form
Who is Drag’n Thrust?
Drag’n Thrust is a competitive mixed team based out of Minneapolis/St. Paul with a long history of strong Nationals performances. Drag’n Thrust was established in the spring of 2009 when a group of players, with a myriad of experience and a similar vision, came together and decided to create a competitive mixed Ultimate team. During one of the team’s famous “hill and grill” practices, the physics of a disc were being discussed. What are the four forces that act on a disc in flight? Gravity, Lift, Drag ‘n Thrust.
We are looking for players who feel aligned with this vision of competition, equity and fun for our 2022 roster!
Equity Statement
We are a team committed to creating a culture of fun, competition, equity, and inclusion. We recognize that in order to reach our potential, we must allow every athlete on our squad to shine. Individually and collectively, we are committed to educating ourselves and taking action towards gender, racial, and financial equity, on and off the field.
Contact Information – please feel free to reach out to the captains with questions!