Your 2014 Captains

Every year, the 2013 Drag’n team gets together around the end of January to reflect on the previous season, talk about the upcoming season, and elect leadership.  After nominations are made for captains, each prepare a brief email outlining what their goals for the team are and where they see the team heading.

As far as voting goes, Drag’n has nearly always had 3 captains (although every year we do vote on 2,3 or 4). When the time comes for actual voting, Drag’n follows the Kemeny-Young method. Through this we’ve seen the most success.  This year we had a number of excellent individuals run, yet voted back Austin Lien and Patty King while adding new captain James Hron.

bio_pic_austinAustin Lien
Austin has captained for the past two seasons now and really has helped shape Drag’n Thrust into what it is today. His strengths lie with strategic analysis of the team, and as an offensive handler, he works to implement a calm offense. Austin is an excellent player on the field having complete control over his mental and physical aspects. He is constantly picking through ultimate videos, studying the strategies of other teams, and analyzing our own game play to make necessary adjustments all season long.  We are excited to see him back for another year as captain of Drag’n Thrust!


185986_10100259861178550_2095492670_nPatty King
Patty captained in 2013 and is back for another year at the helm. Her strengths reside in leading by example. On and off the field she is a confident and calm individual that many look to. With her smart decision making, properly executed decisions and giving 110%, she is a field leader through and through. As an O-Line cutter, she works hard to battle the mental fatigue which offense can have on a player, while setting a consistent example for others to follow.  Patty has been an excellent addition to the team in years past and we’re excited to see her as one of our 2014 captains!


JamesBioJames Hron – ‘The Lumberjack’
This is the first year Drag’n will see the lumberjack at the helm. Over the years James has played a silent role on the sidelines, giving his opinions when asked by the captains, while dominating on the field.  Through practice and games, the focus James brings is unmatched. His attention to detail, desire to perfect not only form but execution, sets him apart from others.  His leadership style is to work and help with individual improvement, which then helps create a better overall team. Last year James danced between being an O-Line cutter to a D-Line cutter. It will be interesting to see how the team evolves this year to best use the talent he brings. We are excited to have James as one of our 2014 captains.

Please help congratulate our 2014 Drag’n Thrust Captains!

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