How to Coach Your Drag’n!

With tryouts right around the corner, Drag’n Thrust is excited to welcome Jake Henderson as Coach for the 2013 season!

Starting his career with UWEC EauZone, Jake is a knowledgeable player with seven years of club ultimate experience. He has experienced club nationals with Flaming Moe, Alpha Cobra Squadron, and most recently with Drag’n Thrust.

Jake is no stranger to strategy, having captained in college and for Drag’n Thrust in 2011. He has also coached the St Paul Charter Stars for the last five years.

When asked about this new opportunity Jake had the following to say:

After shredding my knees to this amazing sport, I’m excited to step off the field and work the sideline with a clipboard. I love this team and am looking forward to helping the team grow any way I can.

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